Oleksander Davydenko, CIO of TECHIIA Holding, is in the jury of "The most promising technological startup 2019" contest.

The overall result of the jury and public votes will determine the most promising Ukrainian technology startup. 50 candidates are competing for the title, which were preliminarily selected by the organizers of the competition — online magazine MC.today and Alfa-Bank Ukraine. Voting will last till February 3 inclusively.

"In Ukraine, IT service companies prevail over product companies, which is the market reality. The reason is, in particular, low awareness of Ukrainian IT entrepreneurs of how to build a business strategically, create and manage a team, search for investors and present their product to them. In the competition, we have 50 companies that managed to get a good start. What will happen next depends only on them. I hope that they will be able to use their participation in this competition to find new business partners and investors," explains Oleksander Davydenko, Chief Innovations Officer of TECHIIA Holding and the jury of the project "The most promising technology startup 2019".

I hope that they will be able to use their participation in this competition to find new business partners and investors
Oleksander Davydenko

The evaluation included startups (except for social projects) that proved themselves in 2019: they participated in pitches, conferences, crowdfunding campaigns, and their main achievements were reported by the media. The organizers assure that participation in the project will help startups find business partners and investors and tell the world about themselves.

"When we made the list, we also took into account the innovative idea of the startup, its business model and numerical indicators, experience in attracting clients and investments, the number of people in the team and their previous projects. An important criterion was also the problems that could be solved with this startup," explains the editorial staff of the online magazine MC.today.

Voting will last until February 3 inclusive. The finalists will be determined by the results of the readers' vote, expert opinions, and the editorial board. The results will be published in mid-February in the online magazine MC.today.

The expert jury of the project, in addition to Oleksander Davydenko, includes Dominique Piotet, CEO of UNIT.City, Stepan Veselovskyi, CEO of Lviv IT Cluster, organizer of IT Arena, Olga Shapoval, executive director of Kharkiv IT Cluster, Oleksiy Mas, coordinator of iForum, project manager of the Kraft Social Networks project, and other representatives of the IT business and venture capital funds.

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