Market analyst: an overview of the profession by Anna Kornienko

Market analyst: an overview of the profession by Anna Kornienko

A marketer profession overview by Anna Kornienko. How much do marketers make, what are the duties of a marketer-analyst, and where to learn the profession?

Marketer-analyst: what are their responsibilities and how much do they make? continues the series of articles about IT professions. Today, Anna Kornienko - Digital Marketing Manager of the international holding TECHIIA talks about the profession of marketer-analyst

A marketer is a person who helps businesses grow. It is a mixture of mathematical knowledge, freedom of professional imagination, and communication skills.

The responsibilities of such a specialist include studying the target audience, launching advertising campaigns, monitoring their effectiveness, and testing new promotions. In essence, this is a person who takes the customer's money and delivers even more money from this customer’s new customers or/and old ones.

To understand exactly which person is a potential customer of a product or service, a marketer-analyst makes several personas of the target audience. What kind of person is this, what is their way of life, where do they usually go, how do they spend their leisure time, what are their needs? What are their preferences, what kind of message or visual can get their attention? An important component of research is live communication with a typical consumer. That is, the marketer must be sufficiently communicative.

In addition, the analyst monitors user behavior: for how long people stay on the website, how many pages they view, and whether they leave within the first seconds. And in case they leave almost instantly, the marketer-analyst thinks of what can be improved so that the potential client becomes real.

Key skills

In almost all the job offers, you can find pretty much similar points - analytical thinking, punctuality, creativity, and attentiveness. These are all important points, during the advertising campaign you need to be careful to follow the current results and make changes as needed. Because the smallest mistake can cost thousands of dollars in direct wasted advertising costs.

But it is more important to strive to dig deeper into information. Hyper-interest in details, experiments, and testing new possibilities, together with a flexible mind and creativity will make a person a sought-after specialist even in wartime.

If a specialist knows a foreign language, the profession knows no borders: you can cooperate with customers from any corner of the world, in particular through freelance exchanges.

Market demand

The marketer-analyst specialty has been on the market for less than three years. During this time, the demand of employers exceeded the supply. Before the beginning of the Russian invasion, recruiters often came to marketing schools to find a specialist, albeit not experienced, but already trained.

The problem was that marketers didn't always want to deal with the "high stuff." Instead, they aimed to be еargeted advertising specialistі in social networks — to start faster and to bother less.

The first months of the invasion were a disaster for the job market. Entrepreneurs were freezing their activities, cutting their marketing budgets, or even closing their businesses. Recruiters were receiving 600 resumes per day for one vacancy. The pre-war number was 3-4 per week.

Now the situation is changing for the better. Companies are out of stress, they need to plan sales. The demand for analysts is growing again. The "I can do it myself" trend is passing. Before the invasion, company owners often did not hire marketing analysts, because they could handle the advertising office themselves. But making several unsuccessful attempts was leading to complaints about the ineffectiveness of Google advertising for this particular company.

A specialist who works with analytics every day can take the business to the next level. The company must be operationally ready to serve new customers. After all, it can also be the other way around: the owner of an online store asks the marketer to slow down because there are not enough people to process new orders.

Gradation by competence

The gradation of professional levels resembles a "grid" of programmers: trainee, junior, middle, and senior. The last ones are even able to automate the processes of setting up and optimizing advertising cabinets. This also includes work with scripts, data streams, and interaction with programmers. The salary of senior specialists can reach $5000-6000 in the international market.

Middle-level specialists differ from junior ones in terms of work experience and skills developed. On one of these steps, a person chooses their "camp" - mathematicians or creatives. The first ones work with codes, and the second with visuals. The salary of a marketer in this category ranges from $500 to $2,500.

A Trainee can start with $300 because they come to learn. As a rule, in six months you can gain skills and increase your earnings three times, and sometimes even four times.

Over the past 10 years, the market has grown. Currently, employers are looking for niche specialists: an advertising manager at Reels, a targeting analyst at Facebook, and a communications specialist via messengers. This is especially relevant for large projects when a particular person is responsible for each direction. It is convenient, but it is better when a specialist has a Helicopter view, understands related areas, and can "steal like an artist" from there.

Where to gain knowledge

People in their 20s and 40s come to IT schools. Some already have a prioritized direction, while others start with general courses. Lectures on Coursera, Khan Academy, Udemy, edX, and other paid and free resources remain relevant.

The best knowledge is learned in practice under the supervision of a mentor. This is a task with an asterisk because a mentor is loaded with their piece of work while teaching others during working hours is an additional challenge. It is worth monitoring internship programs in large companies or applying for practice on your own.

IT school can also be a good option - teachers take diligent students into their teams or recommend them to their colleagues. Often, the school has HR, which helps to correctly compile a resume and successfully sell the acquired skills.

To expand your professional horizons, it is advisable to read about statistics, copywriting, and design. Unfortunately, there is no methodological publication that will provide answers to all questions and offer an effective manual for successful employment.

Becoming a sought-after marketer-analyst is not a one-time task. This is a challenging path and there are no instructions on "How to become a CMO with a salary of $6,000 in a month."

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