Kyrylo Bort

Chief Financial Officer

Financial expert with extensive experience in financial analysis and modeling, investment analysis, and managerial and accounting reporting.

Kyrylo headed the finance of the assets of the TECHIIA holding since 2019. At first, he worked as a financial director at WP Merchandise! and ENESTECH Software, and since 2020, he has held the positions of COO and CFO at ENESTECH Software simultaneously.

Since 2020, Kyrylo has launched a unified bonus system for the ENESTECH SaaS solution, established a factory assembly line for hardware products, launched the analytics sector, integrated new payment systems, and helped the company successfully enter several new markets.

Since 2023, he has been working as the Chief Financial Officer of TECHIIA Holding. Kyrylo’s key task is to maximize the impact of strategic investments from the managing partners of the holding.

Sergiy Purish