TECHIIA Holding y Aestech apoyaron los principios para la recuperación de Ucrania
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The ENESTECH Software company, part of the TECHIIA holding, has Czech and Mongolian localizations for SENET, its platform for management automation for gaming centers and esports arenas.
WePlay Esports, a part of the TECHIIA Holding, has entered into an agreement to create a game show with the stars of the US National Football League and famous Twitch streamers.
Don’t stand still. In business, the only stability allowed is constant growth.
Roman Rodin, Chief Legal Officer of the TECHIIA holding, became the speaker of the II Business & Legal IT Forum organized by the "Legal Practice" publication.
Esports merch manufacturer WP Merchandise has expanded its product line to include clothing and accessories.
A digital marketer comments on marketing curricula.
The JMIND company released its platform for live-commerce - Infinite. But will it be as effective in a local market as in other countries?
El 21 de septiembre, dentro de la Asamblea General de la ONU, la Red del Pacto Mundial de la ONU en Ucrania y Polonia presentó conjuntamente el estudio "Empresas unidas por Ucrania". Los casos del holding TECHIIA se encuentran entre los más significativos.
Roman Rodin, Chief Legal Officer of the international holding TECHIIA.
Las empresas pueden probarla de forma gratuita.
TECHIIA’s co-founder told the IT publication about his attitude to the war and the russians, the finances from which the holding buys humanitarian aid, and the targeted campaign against himself.
Yura Lazebnikov, an investor, entrepreneur and expert in technology industries, IT and esports. The Managing Partner of TECHIIA Holding.