TECHIIA Holding y Aestech apoyaron los principios para la recuperación de Ucrania
Todas las noticias
El director de escena de WePlay! Esports, Klim Denisov, sobre los secretos de preparar un torneo de esports usando WePlay! Clutch Island como ejemplo
Actualmente, el mundo enfrenta un desafío para el que no estaba preparado.
Oleg Krot, socio gerente de TECHIIA Holding, obtuvo el segundo lugar en el rating de "Líder Principal de Transformación" de la revista BUSINESS, como uno de los mejores gerentes de transformación
Vladimir Kostandi, BDO de WP Merchandise, comparte su experiencia para superar la crisis y habla sobre cómo y por qué usted debería esperar lo mejor, pero prepararse para lo peor.
The annual volume of foreign exchange earnings from world trade in licenses grew from $ 350 million in 1950 to almost $ 180 billion in 2009 and to $ 280.3 billion in 2018.
Yura Lazebnikov, the Managing Partner at TECHIIA holding, told "Buduj Svoje" about diversification, development of new directions, the export of goods, and services to other countries.
​The quarantine, that forced the work to stop or fundamentally changed its conditions, was a surprise for almost everyone.
Focus on the benefits to the business, surround yourself with a support group and do not forget to take care of your health
All that other outsourcing companies failed to accomplish in 4 years, the {j: Mind.Systems} team achieved in less than a year. How do {j: Mind.Systems} solve complex problems?
Every government finds effective tools to help citizens and businesses, based on financial opportunities and the level of crisis in the country.
General producer of WePlay! Esports told about the company's approach to creating events, current and future plans in the interview for EGamersWorld.